Friday, July 6, 2018

Mid Summer Update

Stranded vegetation shows the water level reached yesterday, after inflows from
evening rain. The current was sufficient to redistribute gravel and fill in a shallow
channel  that had been localized  along the east bank.
At last!!  Some notable precipitation was delivered, during the week of Fourth of July.  On two successive days this week, parts of the Monument and Fountain Creek watersheds received >2 inches of rain and the creeks enjoyed higher flows.

Data from the nearest USGS current gauge, located downstream of the study reach,
at Bijou Avenue and Monument Creek.
Student interns completed the high resolution stream profiles at 25 meter spacing, and are working to bring these into GIS and generate a 3D model of the bedrock and gravel stream bed, which will include natural bedrock vanes and constructed vanes.  An essay describing their work is just out online!  Read more here.

View across Monument Creek at the mid point of the study reach, between Uintah Ave and Mesa Ave bridges.
The berm and stone retaining wall (mantled with colorful red-green Middle Sawatch Sandstone) is in view in the middle ground, and Pikes Peak (Tavakaiv) rises upon the distant skyline, to west.